Creative Area

Do you have a need that there isn't a plugin to solve yet? Let us know!

Welcome to the Creative Area!

At Expand UP, we believe that innovation is the key to meeting our customers’ specific needs. We understand that, at times, you may search for a WordPress plugin and not find exactly what you’re looking for. That’s where our Creative Area comes into play!

Share Your Ideas, We Make Them Happen!

We are committed to collaborating with you, our valuable customers, to develop tailor-made solutions that cater to your unique needs. In the Creative Area, we invite you to share your ideas, challenges, and visions. Whether you have a brilliant idea for a new WordPress plugin or if you are searching for something specific that doesn’t exist yet, we want to hear from you!

Your Idea, Your Reward!

Here’s what makes the Creative Area even more exciting: if your idea is approved and becomes a WordPress plugin, you will receive a PRO version completely free of charge. Additionally, as a token of our appreciation, we offer you one year of royalties on plugin sales. This means you will receive 10% of all sales from that plugin for a whole year.

How It Works:

  1. Share Your Idea: Fill out the form below and describe your idea or need in detail. The more information you provide, the better!

  2. Review and Approval: Our team will review all the ideas received. If your idea is selected, we will contact you for further details.

  3. Development: We will work tirelessly to turn your idea into a reality. You will receive the free PRO version and start earning your royalties!

  4. Celebrate Success: Together, we will celebrate the success of a new, custom WordPress plugin, thanks to your contribution.

Creative area form

At Expand UP, we value your creativity and vision. We look forward to hearing what you have in mind and creating innovative solutions together. Start now by filling out the form below and be a part of the development journey!

Join the Creative Area and make a difference!

Important Note: Idea Submission

We appreciate your enthusiasm for sharing your ideas with us at [Expand UP]. It’s essential to clarify that the act of submitting your idea does not automatically guarantee the development of the plugin. Each idea undergoes a careful evaluation process to determine its commercial viability and whether we possess the necessary technical resources to bring it to life.

Our Evaluation Process:

Commercial Viability: Our team will assess whether the proposed plugin aligns with our goals and the current market demand. We want to ensure that any development we undertake has the potential to benefit a significant number of users.

Technical Feasibility: We’ll review the technical requirements and complexity of the idea to determine if it’s feasible to develop the plugin within our capabilities.

Contacting You: If your idea passes our initial evaluation and aligns with our criteria, we will get in touch with you to gather more detailed information about the project. This step allows us to gain a deeper understanding of your vision and requirements.

We Value Your Contributions:

We highly value your input and creativity, and we encourage you to keep sharing your innovative ideas with us. Even if your idea doesn’t proceed to development immediately, it may inspire future projects or improvements in our existing offerings.

Remember, your contributions are an integral part of our journey toward innovation, and your ideas are always welcome. Thank you for being a part of the Expand UP community.

Protecting Your Data: Important Notice

Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us at [Expand UP]. When submitting your idea through our Creative Area, we kindly ask that you refrain from sharing sensitive information such as passwords or any other confidential data. We do not require, and strongly discourage, the inclusion of such details.

What We Need to Know:

To share your idea, all you need to do is describe the general scope and concept. It’s not necessary to reveal intricate technical details or sensitive data. We encourage you to focus on the following:

  1. The Problem: Explain the specific issue or challenge you’re facing. What is the pain point that your idea aims to address? Clearly articulate the problem you want to solve.

  2. The Solution: Share a general overview of how you envision the plugin resolving this problem. What features or functions do you believe would be most helpful? A high-level description of your vision is all that’s needed.

By providing this information, you enable us to understand your idea and assess its potential without exposing sensitive information. We respect your trust and are committed to safeguarding your data.

Your contribution is a valuable part of our innovation process. We look forward to receiving your idea and exploring the possibilities it holds.

If you have an idea to share, please submit it through the form on our Creative Area page, and we’ll review it with care.